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Adrian, a spy for the King, sees a nobleman murder a servant. His desire for truth is pitted against the dangers of a high-stakes political game. When his friend Draken insists on pursuing justice, Adrian must protect those he cares about as the political games of powerful men alter the lives of everyone around him.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

November Status Update

There's a lot going on this month.

  • I'm writing a novel for NaNoWriMo.
  • I'm prepping for a December 17th release of Crystal Empire.
  • I'm editing another author's novel.
  • I'm spending extra time at the day job in a software crunch.
  • We host 20-35 people for Thanksgiving, depending on the year.
  • The daughter's boyfriend will visit from Chile if he can get a flight out.
Some of that, including some Crystal Empire pre-release art is in my November newsletter that you can find here.

I'm hoping for some time to sleep wedged in there each night. :)

If you sign up for my newsletter through the link at the top of my blog, you get my monthly status updates and my monthly Reading Corner where I highlight a book, often selected from or by the authors I know.