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Adrian, a spy for the King, sees a nobleman murder a servant. His desire for truth is pitted against the dangers of a high-stakes political game. When his friend Draken insists on pursuing justice, Adrian must protect those he cares about as the political games of powerful men alter the lives of everyone around him.


Writings of John M. Olsen

The Phoenix Initiative: First Missions (Four Horsemen Universe)

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My short story "Sub Rosa Infiltration Company" is part of this anthology. It's my introduction to the team featured in Foiled Ambitions (below) as the team forms and takes their first contract, guarding some cargo during interplanetary transport. The captain that hired them didn't mention the details that could end their lives.

Foiled Ambitions (Four Horsemen universe)

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The Sub Rosa Infiltration Company is hired to sneak into a distant research facility, steal some data, break some equipment, and get out. How hard could it be? Betrayal and lies destroy all their plans, and it's up to Jonathan Smith to save himself on the ground as his team faces problems of their own in orbit.

High Hopes (Joint Task 13 universe)

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World War One with Biplanes, Marines, and monsters not of this world.

Polecat Protocol Series

Space miners on a tiny moon are cut off and must figure out how to survive. If the power dies, they die.

This series is high on hard science, but it also has some space opera elements.

Riland Throne Series

The baron and his heir are missing. His second son must lead the people to safety when an army invades. Will he break the rules of magic to save his people?

Other Writing

There's a lot of short stories in a host of anthologies as well. The easiest way to see almost everything I've written is to visit my Amazon Author Page. That will include my fiction (novels and anthologies containing most of my published short stories) as well as some of my other writing.


Crystal Servants is a prequel short story tied to the Riland Throne series. It is available for free from my newsletter sign-up. Amazon will charge you $0.99 for it.

Market Rat is a fantasy story published online through Sorry about the bad formatting. Their side lost a bunch of carriage returns.

Charity's Gift is an urban fantasy online publication at Abyss & Apex.

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