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Adrian, a spy for the King, sees a nobleman murder a servant. His desire for truth is pitted against the dangers of a high-stakes political game. When his friend Draken insists on pursuing justice, Adrian must protect those he cares about as the political games of powerful men alter the lives of everyone around him.

Saturday, January 1, 2022

2021 Review, 2022 Goals

 2021 was the year for stacking things up in the pipeline. I published three short stories and a poem, which is the least I’ve published in several years. The stories were each from a different genre, and the poem was my second published work of poetry, which I suppose means the first poem wasn’t a fluke. Each of these anthologies is cross-genre, so I've included a note to tell you the genre of my contribution.

Death by Misadventure, in Unmasked (Urban Fantasy)

Living on Borrowed Time, in Strong at Broken Places (Fantasy)

Time Machines Only Go One Way, in If Not Now, When (Science Fiction)

Peter Sinks, in Beyond Beehives (Poetry)

2022 will be the year of the pipeline. Remember that I mentioned I was stacking things up? I have a military UF novel coming out through a small press in Q1. I have a 50K-word science fiction short story collection to format and release in Q2 or early Q3. I’ll use the collection as a promo piece by including chapter 1 of the next novel in the queue. I’ve written two books of a trilogy with the third outlined, and I want to release them in Q3 and Q4 about a month or two apart.

If you’re local, or if I bumped into you at 20 Books to 50K in Vegas this past November, you might have seen the awesome cover art I picked up for the trilogy.

So that makes five novel-length releases planned for 2022. It’s not quite as scary as it sounds, since that only requires writing one novel from scratch, with the rest patiently waiting for me to get to them. The scariest part is the marketing plan for the trilogy. I have an experienced editor and an experienced book formatter (also both authors) in my group of gaming friends, so I’ll draw on a team of experts as I jump into the new year with both feet.

Now that I’ve shared my 2021 results and my 2022 goals, y’all can hold my feet to the fire as you watch for future reports. 😊