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Adrian, a spy for the King, sees a nobleman murder a servant. His desire for truth is pitted against the dangers of a high-stakes political game. When his friend Draken insists on pursuing justice, Adrian must protect those he cares about as the political games of powerful men alter the lives of everyone around him.

Friday, May 25, 2018

MisCon is here!

This is my first time to MisCon in Missoula, MN, and it is shaping up to be a lot of fun. I'm about ready to head downstairs for breakfast on Day 1. I have a book signing today at the local Barnes & Noble from 10am to noon, then my con schedule starts. I will do a post-con report with pictures and stuff. Here are the events I'm helping with:

Sensing Violence (Writing)
Fri 5:00 - 5:50 PM, (Ballroom C)
Pros and Guests: Cheryl Glenn, Elliott Kay, Joseph Malik, John Olsen
Moderator: Joseph Malik
What does violence sound like? Smell like? How does it feel and taste? Are the details of violence like those we see in movies? If not, should you write them realistically or cinematically?

Pacing (Writing)
Sat 11:00 - 11:50 AM, (Ballroom B)
Pros and Guests: Tod McCoy, John Olsen, L.F. Patten (Laurey), Peter Wacks (pjwacks)
Moderator: Peter Wacks (pjwacks)
What are some effective ways to control the pacing of your scenes, chapters, and overall book? Is it structure? Paragraph-by-paragraph? Can you outline for pacing?

It Seemed Like She Was, She Thought (Writing, Makers)
Sat 4:00 - 4:50 PM, (Monster Tent)
Pros and Guests: LJ Bonham, Eric Scott Fischl, John Olsen, J.A. Pitts, Joyce Reynolds-Ward
Moderator: J.A. Pitts
In Ken Rand’s Ten Percent Solution, he advocates that you take your story and cut 10%. That includes writing tight, precise prose, among other things. What are some of the best ways to do this?

Spotlight: Olsen, Kolva, Fischl (Meet & Greet/Signing)
Sun 10:00 - 10:50 AM, (Spotlight)
Pros and Guests: Eric Scott Fischl, Sanan Kolva, John Olsen
Meet a few of our authors, get signatures, and see what they're up to these days.

Getting Armor Right (Writing, Writing)
Sun 1:00 - 1:50 PM, (Monster Tent)
Pros and Guests: LJ Bonham, John Olsen, D.L Solum
Moderator: LJ Bonham
Historical, fantastical or sport, no one wants to bleed. Let's talk about getting armor right for both visual media and writing. Practical examples provided. Come find out how it's made and how it works and why.

My short story and novel experience will play nicely into these topics. Plus, I've made two shirts of chain mail armor before. :) I will also attend several other panels for fun. It will be a great (and long) weekend.